Category: Programming

Ruby Refresher: Yield To The Block (…Or Proc, or Lambda)

Lambda vs. Proc at a glance Ruby was built with the goal of having the programmer enjoy themselves while programming, but there are some features in the language that, if not properly internalized, can go unappreciated, under-used, or mis-used by many. In first learning Ruby, one of the most interesting but most glossed over features […]

Programming Principles: The Law of Demeter (LoD)

The Law of Demeter visualized, beside The Greek Goddess Demeter, where it gets its name The Law of Demeter (LoD) is a software development design principle proposed by Ian Holland of Northeastern University in 1987. It is named after Demeter, the Greek Goddess of agriculture, who’s name means something like “Distribution-Mother,” to signify a bottom-up […]

HTML5/CSS3 Tutorial: Rotating/Interchanging Text

You there with no rotating text on your website. Do you want rotating text on your website? That was a rhetorical question. Of course you do. It’s objectively awesome. It’s also an effect I’ve been playing around with on a personal website as a creative way to compress a bunch of information in a truncated […]